According to the applicable regulations, in the event of a flood threat, two types of alarm signals apply - a signal announcing the alarm and a signal announcing it. The signal announcing the alarm is a modulated sound of a siren for a period of three minutes, accompanied by three readings of the verbal message "Attention! Attention! Attention! I am announcing the alarm (with the cause or type of alarm stated)". In turn, the signal announcing the alarm is a continuous sound of a siren for a period of three minutes, also with three repetitions of the verbal message "Attention! Attention! Attention! I am canceling the alarm (with the cause or type of alarm stated)".
In the face of flood threats, it is crucial to keep up to date with hydrological and meteorological forecasts, messages and warnings published by the Institute of Meteorology and Water Management . Take immediate action to protect yourself, your loved ones and your property. The first step should be to transport children and the elderly to a safe place, e.g. to relatives or friends. Make sure that each family member, especially children, knows what to do in the event of a flood - establishing contact methods, evacuation routes and a meeting place in case of separation.
Property security
To protect your property from flooding, move valuable items to higher floors of the building. Make sure your mobile phone is fully charged and provide an additional power source in the form of a power bank. Collect medicines, identity documents, valuables, money, property and business documentation, and insurance policies in a safe place. Vehicles on the property should be moved to places that are not at risk of flooding. If they cannot be evacuated, disconnect the battery to avoid the risk of short circuiting or damage to the electrical system. Secure the property with sandbags.
Farmers preparations
Farmers, faced with the threat of flooding, should take a number of actions to protect their farm animals and secure their farm. First of all, prepare the animals for evacuation, including talking to neighbors about providing assistance with loading. Move animal feed to places that are not at risk of flooding. When considering evacuating animals, remember that this is a much more complicated and time-consuming task than evacuating people. Floating equipment available to the fire department and military is often not adapted to transport large animals. In addition, secure hazardous substances such as pesticides, insecticides, paints, varnishes, solvents and other chemicals, as well as oil and fuel tanks.
Procedure during evacuation

If you need to evacuate, first and foremost, follow the instructions of the emergency services. Before leaving your home, remember to turn off the water and gas taps and disconnect the electricity. Dress in clothing that provides adequate protection, such as a jacket and shoes with thick soles. If you decide to evacuate individually, travel as a family in one car to minimize the risk of separation. Attach notes to children's clothing with their personal data and the contact details of their guardian, properly securing them against damage and tearing off.
If someone decides to stay at home, move to a higher floor of the building. Get a battery-powered radio on the local station frequency to get the latest information about the situation and how to proceed. Avoid contact with flood water at all costs, as it may be contaminated with chemicals, streams or other hazardous substances, including pathogenic bacteria. Do not touch wet electrical equipment due to the risk of electrocution.
Signaling the need for help
If you need help, you can hang out a flag or piece of cloth in an appropriate color:
- white - need to evacuate
- red - need medical attention
- blue - need for food or medicine
Contents of the emergency backpack
The Government Security Centre recommends preparing an evacuation backpack in advance, containing the most important and necessary items. It should contain, among others:
- battery-powered radio and spare batteries,
- battery-powered flashlight,
- most important documents (ID, real estate documents, medical information, company documents, etc.),
- cutlery,
- raincoat,
- a first aid kit with individual medications,
- whistle,
- lighter or matches,
- respiratory/protective masks,
- a map with local roads, compass, compass,
- can opener,
- meals for 2 days,
- knife, pencil, notebook,
- sleeping bag,
- garbage bags,
- a change of clothes, personal hygiene products,
- soap, disinfection gel,
- pliers, multi-tool,
- cash in small denominations,
- filter bottle with a new filter,
- rubber bands, strings, cable ties.
Preparing such a backpack in advance will allow for a quick and efficient evacuation in the event of a flood threat.
Effective flood preparation and proper response to the threat are key elements to ensure safety and minimize losses. Tracking messages, securing property, preparing an evacuation plan, and creating a rescue backpack are essential actions that must be taken in advance. Only through systematic preparation can one count on efficient and safe survival of a crisis situation.
Important messages: