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How to make an Advent calendar? Step by step guide

Jak zrobić kalendarz adwentowy? Poradnik krok po kroku

Do you know that..
The largest Advent calendar in the world has an area of ​​857 m2 and is located in Leipzig . Every day until Christmas, the doors are opened revealing Christmas scenes. Waiting for the holidays is a time of reflection and preparation. The purpose of the Advent calendar is to enhance joy while waiting for Christmas, but was this its role from the beginning?

The story of a little boy who couldn't wait for Christmas Eve

KALENDARZ ADWENTOWY DIY In 1902, an Advent calendar with numbers from 13 to 24, resembling a clock, was printed for the first time. But the history of this unique idea apparently dates back to 1851. At that time, a picture related to the holidays and the coming of the Savior was hung in homes, or one candle was lit every day until Christmas Eve.

The story of an exceptionally impatient boy is also connected with the creation of the Advent calendar . Namely, a certain printer, as a little boy, couldn't wait for Christmas, so his mother drew 24 numbers on a piece of cardboard and put oblong sponge cakes inside. He could eat one cookie every day until Christmas. Interestingly, Gerhard Lang was that boy and when he grew up, he started producing calendars with sweets . From that time, i.e. in 1930, the idea of ​​the Advent calendar began to develop in a very dynamic way. Various variants of calendars were created, even those made by hand by outstanding artists.

Now the Advent calendar also takes various forms, e.g. in some regions decorated houses are used as "windows" in the calendar, in the evenings people gather at a specific house and sing carols there and spend time with cookies and a cup of tea.

Advent calendar - do it yourself!

The Internet and the media provide us with many opportunities to buy beautiful Advent calendars , but to brighten up the gloomy November evenings, you can prepare a calendar yourself, filled with anything you want!

There are more and more ideas for making an Advent calendar every year. Here are the most interesting ones we found:

  • Paper bags

Are you dreaming of a rustic Advent calendar? Use small paper bags. You will also need string, clothespins and colored paper or ready-made numbers to stick on. Fill the bags with surprises, then tape them so that they hold the string securely and glue the numbers. Additionally, you can decorate the bags as you wish and finally hang your Advent calendar in a visible place. Instead of paper bags, you can also use small linen bags; the advantage of this solution is the possibility of using the calendar in the following years with other surprises.

  • Envelopes

Colorful envelopes filled with gifts will brighten up any room and will certainly interest the smallest members of the household. Stick 24 colorful envelopes with numbers and fill them with sweets. A simple and very effective Advent calendar .

  • Paper boxes

Do you want to pack slightly larger items and are afraid that they may not fit into your calendar? Use cardboard boxes of different sizes! Wrap your gifts, then decorate the boxes and stick numbers on them.

Want to learn more about how to decorate a box? click here

kalendarz adwentowy torebki Whisky, jewelry and cosmetics - unique Advent calendars

  • Advent calendar with whiskey

Old&Rare Whiskey is an Advent calendar dedicated to drink connoisseurs. It is equipped with the most awarded whiskey bottles, which is why it costs approximately PLN 1,000. zlotys.

  • Advent calendar with jewelry

The Beeley brand has created an Advent calendar inspired by the royal palace in Bakewell. Its 24 windows are filled with luxurious jewelry, which makes its price PLN 2,500. fumts.

  • Advent calendar with cosmetics

Every year, famous cosmetic brands strive to create the most beautiful Advent calendar filled with their iconic products. Boxes filled with creams, makeup and care products are the perfect gift for you or your loved ones.

The Advent calendar is a beautiful tradition of waiting for the holidays. Create your own now!

3 minute read

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