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New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year

Postanowienia noworoczne - zainspiruj się na nowy rok

As the new year approaches, more and more of us start to think about what we would like to change, improve or introduce in our lives. This time brings to mind reflection on the past and plans for the future. It is no wonder that New Year's resolutions have become an inseparable element of saying goodbye to the old and welcoming the new year.

Why is the new year a good time for resolutions and changes?

The end of the year is a time when we usually take stock of the past period. Christmas and New Year are a natural boundary that separates the old from the new. It is a time of closure, summing up, but also a moment of reflection and thinking about what we would like to change in our lives.

The new year gives us a sense of new possibilities and a fresh start. We often feel that with its arrival we can start a completely new phase, get rid of old habits and introduce long-awaited changes. This special time is therefore conducive to making resolutions and planning future activities.

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year

How to effectively set goals for the new year?

Regardless of whether your plans concern your professional or private life, remember to make them reasonable and realistic. Only then do you have a chance of achieving them.

There are a few key principles to consider when formulating New Year's resolutions:

Specificity and measurability

Your resolutions should be clearly defined and assume specific, measurable results. Instead of a general "I will exercise," specify exactly how many times a week you plan to exercise, how long they will last, and what effect you want to achieve (e.g. lose 5 kg).

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year


Remember that there are 24 hours in a day, and you have a limited amount of time and energy. So don't set goals that you simply won't be able to achieve. It's better to plan smaller, but achievable goals than to be disappointed by unfulfilled dreams.


Your resolutions must be realistic, tailored to your capabilities and life situation. Don't compare yourself to others and don't be fooled by the appearance of perfection on social media. Focus on what is really important to you and possible to achieve.


Set specific deadlines for completing individual stages or the entire goal. This will allow you to monitor your progress and effectively work towards your intended result.


Choose resolutions that inspire and energize you. Goals that make you smile at the thought of achieving them will be much easier to keep.

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year

What New Year’s Resolutions Are Worth Considering?

The number and type of New Year's resolutions are as diverse as people are. Each of us has different values, priorities and dreams, so our New Year's plans will be completely different.

However, it is worth taking a look at the most popular categories of resolutions to get some inspiration:

Healthy lifestyle

  • introducing a healthy diet and regular physical activity,
  • reducing addictions such as smoking or excessive alcohol drinking,
  • taking care of sleep hygiene and regular preventive examinations.

Personal development

  • learning a new foreign language or skill,
  • taking up a new hobby or continuing a passion,
  • limiting time spent on social media.


  • systematic saving,
  • debt repayment or debt reduction,
  • investing financial surpluses.
New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year


  • devoting more time to family and loved ones,
  • making new friends or rebuilding relationships,
  • active listening and better communicating with others.


  • improving qualifications or acquiring new skills,
  • changing jobs or starting your own business,
  • applying for a promotion or better pay.

Whatever you focus on in your New Year's resolutions, make sure they are consistent with your values ​​and needs. Don't mindlessly imitate others, but create a list of goals that will actually improve your daily reality.

Funny and original New Year's resolutions

While most of us take New Year’s resolutions very seriously, there’s nothing stopping us from approaching them with a touch of humor and distance. Here are a few examples of original and fun ideas:

  • taking care of small pleasures, such as drinking your favorite coffee every day,
  • trying new, unconventional experiences,
  • smiling more often at others (and at yourself in the mirror),
  • giving up watching ambitious films in favor of light entertainment,
  • making a senseless but joyful purchase,
  • nurturing your inner child.

These types of funny resolutions are a great solution for those who have trouble sticking to serious New Year's resolutions. They introduce an element of fun and allow for a moment of respite from the daily routine.

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year

New Year's Resolutions for Kids

It is worth remembering that the habit of introducing positive changes in life should be shaped from an early age. We list proposals for New Year's resolutions that can inspire your child:

  • acquiring new skills, e.g. learning to play an instrument,
  • systematically setting aside pocket money for a specific purpose,
  • reading books regularly or keeping your room tidy,
  • caring for a family pet.

Resolutions for your child should be a motivation for development and self-improvement, not a source of criticism or pressure. Approach this with patience and understanding, supporting them in achieving their goals.

Planning your New Year's resolutions step by step

To increase your chances of sticking to your New Year's resolutions , it's worth considering a few important steps:

  1. Analyze last year's plans. Think about which ones you managed to achieve and which ones were too ambitious or difficult to maintain. Draw conclusions about what held you back and what you can do differently.
  2. Write down your new resolutions. Writing down your goals on paper or in electronic form commits you to achieving them. Avoid keeping them only in your head - it's easy to forget.
  3. Set priorities. Don't try to achieve everything at once. Choose 1-2 most important resolutions to focus on first.
  4. Use the SMART method. Make sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.
  5. Plan it step by step. Break down your resolutions into smaller, more manageable steps. Write them down in a calendar or use a dedicated planner.
  6. Set yourself a reward. Decide what you will reward yourself with for sticking to your resolutions. It can be something material, but it can also be just the satisfaction of achieving a goal.
  7. Find a partner. Share your plans with a close person. Joint achievement of goals will increase your motivation and responsibility.
  8. Remember that the key to success is thoughtful, step-by-step planning. Don't be afraid to modify your resolutions during the year if necessary. Flexibility and persistence are the keys to success.

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year

Add a dream to your New Year's resolutions

Why not combine achieving your New Year's goals with fulfilling your dreams? It's a great way to give yourself extra motivation and make the process even more exciting.

Think about whether you would like to reward yourself for sticking to your resolutions with something special. Maybe a skydive, a sailboat trip, or maybe a dream trip to an exotic location?

New Year's Resolutions - Get Inspired for the New Year


The New Year is a great time to take stock of the past period and take on challenges with renewed energy that will help us become better, healthier and happier versions of ourselves. Let us remember, however, that the key to success is thoughtful, realistic planning, not mindless repetition of popular trends.

Let your New Year's resolutions be consistent with your values, needs and possibilities. Don't be afraid to add a bit of humor and fun to them - it can help you persevere in pursuing your goal. And if you can connect them with the realization of your dreams, your motivation will increase even more.

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