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Purchasing an ecological bag shows that you are aware and oriented towards ecology.

Zakup torby ekologicznej świadczy o tym, że jesteś świadomy i zorientowany na ekologię.

Below are some tips on how to easily introduce more ecological solutions into your life: ekologia zero waste

  • Replace unsightly plastic bags with ecological bags . Did you know that eco bags can be used several times longer than a plastic bag? An ecological cotton bag has a lifespan of up to several years.

  • Reuse repeatedly – ​​it's not just about eco-friendly bags . Try to make the most of the life of your products - use the clean side of a sheet of paper printed on one side for a notebook or a coloring book for a child, replace pen refills instead of buying new ones, buy reusable products, and when buying a new product, consider whether a similar one is not lying forgotten somewhere in your house in the closet

  • Exchange with family and friends - clothes, children's toys, books, interior design elements, household appliances, electronics

  • Sell ​​and buy second-hand - your child's old bicycle, shoes that you wore once but are not your style, a handbag that only matches one skirt? You can sell all this - on the Internet you will find many places where you can sell used things, one of such places is AMAZON

  • Give objects a second life - make a pot insert from a yogurt packaging, use a strawberry basket as a flower pot cover, make a cleaning cloth from a T-shirt that is to be thrown away,

  • Choose consciously - consider whether you need to print e-mails, choose products in the store that you can pack in your own packaging, give up vegetables wrapped in foil, vacuum-packed meat,

  • Use Zero Waste solutions – did you know that you can reuse more than just shopping bags? Buy ecological bags and small Zero Waste bags for vegetables and fruit. By carrying them with you when shopping, you will avoid using disposable bags. Cotton mesh bags have a lifespan equal to ecological bags made of cotton. They are also aesthetic, ecological and extremely practical. Ecological bags ekologia zero waste Zero Waste is ideal for packaging food products such as fruit, vegetables, bread. You can store these products in kitchen cabinets or the refrigerator directly in the bag because it is made directly of cotton mesh, which provides access to fresh air.

PS. Have you already noticed that by following the above tips you will also be able to save money? This is yet another proof that it's #goodtobeeco!

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