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SWOT analysis - what is it and how does it help in building a company? We give you a hint

Analiza swot - co to jest i jak pomaga w budowaniu firmy? Podpowiadamy

Running a business is a complicated and multidimensional challenge. To be successful, it is crucial to understand your own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the opportunities and potential threats. A tool that helps in a comprehensive assessment of these factors is a SWOT analysis. In today's article, we will delve into the secrets of this powerful technique, discovering how you can use it to build a growth strategy for your business.

What is SWOT analysis?

SWOT analysis is a comprehensive tool that allows you to identify key internal and external factors that influence the functioning of the organization. The acronym SWOT comes from the English words:

  • Strengths (strengths),
  • Weaknesses (weaknesses),
  • Opportunities (chances),
  • Threats .

SWOT analysis is appreciated for its simplicity and universality - it can be successfully used both in small companies and large corporations, as well as in a personal context.

Elements of SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis consists of four key elements:


Strengths are the company's internal assets that constitute its strength and competitive advantage. These may be, for example:

  • High competence and experience of the staff,
  • Unique technology or know-how,
  • Strong market position,
  • Good brand reputation,
  • Effective operational processes,
  • Stable financial situation.

You should focus on those resources that distinguish the company from the competition and determine its value.


Weaknesses are internal limitations or shortcomings that may hinder the company's development. Examples of weaknesses include:

  • Outdated production technology,
  • Insufficient competences of key personnel,
  • Financial liquidity problems,
  • Ineffective management processes,
  • Low brand recognition.

Honesty in identifying a company's weaknesses is crucial to be able to eliminate them effectively.


Opportunities are positive external factors that can be used to develop a company. These may be, for example:

  • New market trends favoring the products/services offered,
  • Changes in legal regulations opening new opportunities,
  • Growing demand for a given type of products/services,
  • Emergence of new distribution or marketing channels,
  • Market consolidation creating an opportunity for acquisition.

Careful monitoring of the market environment allows for the identification of prospective opportunities.


Threats are unfavorable external factors that may negatively impact a company's operations. Examples of threats include:

  • Increased competition on the market,
  • Unfavorable changes in legal regulations,
  • Decrease in demand for the offered products/services,
  • Exchange rate fluctuations,
  • Rising costs of raw materials or energy,
  • Natural disasters or random events.

Identifying and appropriately preparing for potential threats is crucial to maintaining business continuity.

SWOT analysis - step by step

Conducting a SWOT analysis consists of several key stages:

  1. Information Gathering: Start by thoroughly researching the company - its resources, processes, market, competition and environment. Collect as much data as possible that will be used for a reliable assessment.
  2. Identification of factors: Organize the collected information by assigning it to the appropriate SWOT categories - strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats.
  3. Relevance Assessment: Assess the importance and significance of each factors. Use a point scale, e.g. from -2 to +2, to determine the strength of their influence.
  4. Interconnection Analysis: Examine how the identified SWOT factors influence each other. Look for synergies and conflicts to better understand company dynamics.
  5. Strategy Selection: Based on the dominant SWOT factors, determine the most appropriate development strategy - aggressive, competitive, conservative or defensive.
  6. Develop an action plan: Translate selected strategic directions into specific initiatives and a timetable for their implementation, taking into account available resources.

The key to success is objectivity and a critical approach to analysis. It is worth considering engaging external experts to avoid subjectivity.

Development strategies based on SWOT analysis

SWOT analysis allows us to distinguish four basic company development strategies:

Aggressive strategy

When a company's strengths outweigh its weaknesses and the market offers favorable opportunities, an aggressive strategy is recommended to make the most of these strengths for dynamic expansion and growth.

Competitive strategy

When a company has weaknesses, but the environment provides favorable opportunities, the competitive strategy involves eliminating the weaknesses and using the opportunities to improve its market position.

Conservative strategy

When a company has strong internal resources but faces significant external threats, a conservative strategy involves using strengths to defend against negative factors.

Defense strategy

When a company struggles with numerous internal weaknesses and at the same time has to face serious threats from the environment, the defense strategy focuses on survival and minimizing losses.

The choice of the appropriate strategy depends on the specific configuration of SWOT factors - this is a key step in building the company's long-term competitive advantage.

SWOT analysis in practice - examples

Let's see what SWOT analysis can look like in practice for different types of companies:

Production company


  • High quality products thanks to advanced technology,
  • Experienced and qualified production staff,
  • Effective supply chain management.


  • Outdated machinery generating high depreciation costs,
  • Machine reliability issues leading to downtime.


  • Growing demand for the company's products related to new market trends,
  • Possibility to diversify the offer based on your competences.


  • Exchange rate fluctuations affecting the profitability of production,
  • Planned increases in electricity prices.

Service company


  • Large cash resources enabling investments,
  • Employment of high-class specialists.


  • Low efficiency of work organization, which translates into low staff satisfaction,
  • A prestigious but expensive office location.


  • Growing demand for the services provided,
  • Limited competition in the region.


  • Expansion of an international player on the local market,
  • Planned release of market regulations.

Personal SWOT analysis


  • Completion of prestigious studies,
  • 8 years of professional experience in the industry.


  • Low assertiveness in the work environment,
  • Stress during job interviews.


  • Growing demand for specialists in my industry,
  • Few competitors in my niche.


  • An increase in the number of graduates studying my field,
  • Potential automation of my area of ​​expertise.

As you can see, SWOT analysis allows for a multidimensional assessment of the situation - both at the level of the entire organization and at the individual level.

Benefits of SWOT analysis

Regularly conducting a SWOT analysis brings a number of benefits to the company:

  • Comprehensive assessment of the organization's potential and limitations,
  • Identification of key success factors and threats,
  • Support in making strategic development decisions,
  • Improving resource allocation and efficiency of activities,
  • Building a long-term competitive advantage,
  • Increasing resistance to changes in the environment.

Thanks to this, SWOT analysis becomes an invaluable tool in the hands of entrepreneurs striving for dynamic development and strengthening their market position.


SWOT analysis is a powerful, yet elegantly simple tool that allows you to comprehensively assess the company's situation and determine the optimal development strategy. By identifying key strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, SWOT analysis provides valuable information necessary to make good strategic decisions.

The key to success is objectivity, accuracy and openness to the conclusions of the analysis - even if they may be difficult to accept. Only in this way can a SWOT analysis fully realize its potential and become a compass to a company's success.

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