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Concerts 2025 - Dawid Podsiadło organizes his own festival! Check where you can buy tickets!

Koncerty 2025 - Dawid Podsiadło organizuje własny festiwal! Sprawdź, gdzie można kupić bilety!

The year 2025 is fast approaching, and the Polish music scene is preparing for a real revolution! One of the most exciting events will be a festival organized by Dawid Podsiadło himself - one of the most popular and talented artists of the young generation. This is a unique opportunity to see this musician in a completely new role - as the host of his own festival! What exactly is this event? When will it take place? And where can you buy tickets? You can read all about it in our article.

Dawid Podsiadło – Artist with a vision

Dawid Podsiadło is one of the most recognizable Polish artists of recent years. His unique voice, unique approach to music and artistic sense have won him the hearts of millions of fans. From the moment of his debut album "Comfort and Happiness" , through subsequent albums such as "Małomiasteczkowy" , Dawid has proven that he is not afraid to experiment and break musical patterns.

In 2025, Podsiadło decided to go a step further and organize a festival that combines all his passions – music, art and culture. The Dawid Podsiadło Festival is to be a space not only for music, but also for artists from various fields – from visual art to performance.

Concerts 2025 - Dawid Podsiadło organizes his own festival! Check where you can buy tickets!

When will the festival take place ?

The festival will take place in several Polish cities, and the main event will take place in a large, specially prepared area – probably in one of the larger cities. It is said that the organizers are planning unique attractions and an unforgettable atmosphere that will combine live concerts with numerous additional artistic events.

Dates and cities where the Dawid Podsiadło Festival will take place :

  • Poznan - June 6-7, 2025
  • Wroclaw - June 27-28, 2025
  • Warsaw - July 11-12, 2025
  • Krakow - July 25-26, 2025
  • Gdansk - August 15-16, 2025
  • Katowice - August 29-30, 2025
  • Concerts 2025 - Dawid Podsiadło organizes his own festival! Check where you can buy tickets!

    Dawid Podsiadło Festival in 2025 - where to buy tickets?

    The pre-sale of tickets for the festival started on December 4. However, tickets at that time can only be purchased by people who are subscribed to the newsletter, which receives a special code - all tickets in this pool are personalized, so when buying you have to provide your name and surname. Changing your data will be possible, probably after the new year, but it will be associated with additional costs.

    Regular ticket sales will probably start at the beginning of the New Year, then we will know more details about this event. Tickets will be available for purchase on ebilet.pl .

    Below is the current price at which you can purchase tickets:


    199 PLN


    399 PLN


    Summary: Why is it worth going to this Dawid Podsiadło festival ?

    The Dawid Podsiadło Festival in 2025 is an event that all of Poland is waiting for. As an artist who has been surprising with his work for years, he has now decided to create an event that will be full of passion, energy and unforgettable emotions. Tickets for the festival will be available soon, so if you want to take part in this unique event, follow the information about ticket sales and be ready to buy your ticket for this musical celebration!

    We are waiting for more details and keeping our fingers crossed that the festival will be a real success!

    See also:

    2 minute read


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