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How many days off from work in 2025? - where to take time off to have even more of them?

Ile dni wolnych od pracy w 2025 roku? - gdzie zrobić wolne, żeby było ich jeszcze więcej?

The year 2025 is fast approaching, and with it the question of how many days off we will have to use. This is a great opportunity to plan holidays, long weekends or simply enjoy a moment of rest from everyday duties. In this article, we present how many days off from work in 2025 , and we suggest how to cleverly plan holidays to take as many days off as possible without having to use additional days of vacation.

How many days off from work in 2025? - where to take time off to have even more of them?

How many days off from work in 2025?

In 2025, as in other years, we have several statutory holidays that fall on working days. Two holidays fall on Saturday, two on Sunday, and the remaining nine during the working week, i.e. from Monday to Friday. Adding weekends to this, we get a total of 115 days off from work. This is the perfect time to use these days to rest. Here is a list of the most important days off from work in Poland in 2025 :

Public holidays in 2025

Holiday Date Day of the week
New year January 1st Wednesday
Epiphany January 6th Monday
Easter April 20 Sunday
Easter Monday April 21 Monday
Labor Day May 1st Thursday
May 3rd Constitution Day May 3 Saturday
Pentecost June 8 Sunday
Corpus Christi June 19th Thursday
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August 15th Friday
Independence Day November 11th Tuesday
Christmas December 25th Thursday
The Second Day of Christmas December 26 Friday

How many days off from work in 2025 - how to plan long weekends?

With the help of proper vacation planning, you can make the most of your days off by combining them with weekends. Here are some suggestions on how to cleverly plan your time off to have more rest days:

Long May weekend Take Friday 2nd May off – you’ll get 4 days off (1st-4th May).
Corpus Christi long weekend Take Friday 20th June off – you’ll get 4 days off (19th – 22nd June).
August long weekend August 15 falls on a Friday – 3 days off without additional holidays (August 15–17).
November long weekend Take Monday, November 10th off – you’ll get 4 days off (November 9th – 12th).
Christmas Take Wednesday, December 24th off – you’ll get 4 days off (December 24-27).

Long May weekend – 4 days off

Labor Day is on Thursday, May 1st, and Constitution Day is on Saturday, May 3rd. If you take Friday, May 2nd off, you'll have a four-day weekend!

Corpus Christi long weekend – 4 days off

Corpus Christi falls on Thursday, June 19. Take the day off Friday, June 20, and you'll have a four-day weekend.

How many days off from work in 2025? - where to take time off to have even more of them?

August long weekend – 4 days off

The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary falls on Friday, August 15. So you can plan a long weekend without having to take extra days off.

November long weekend – 4 days off

Independence Day falls on Tuesday, November 11. Consider taking Monday, November 10, as it will give you a four-day weekend.

Christmas - 4 days off

Christmas Day falls on Thursday, December 25, and Boxing Day, December 26, is Friday. If you take your holiday on Monday, December 24, you will have a four-day holiday break.

How many days off from work in 2025? - where to take time off to have even more of them?

How to use your vacation days to get the most free time?

Of course, statutory days off are only part of the rest we can plan. To gain additional days off, it is worth trying to combine them with a vacation. Here are some examples:

Combining days off with the weekend

If a holiday falls in the middle of the week, take the day before or after to extend your weekend by an extra day. For example, if Corpus Christi falls on a Thursday, take Friday, which gives you four days off.

Clever use of "bridges"

Some holidays fall on weekdays that are close to the weekend (e.g. Labor Day on Thursday). It is a good idea to take a vacation on Friday, creating a long weekend.

Taking advantage of "holiday" days and special occasion vacations

You can also take a few days off for a winter break or vacation, creating long breaks from work that are perfect for relaxation and travel.

Summary - how many days off from work in 2025?

How many days off work in 2025? Next year offers many days off, which can be cleverly combined to create long weekends and summer breaks. With proper planning, you can make the most of your free time by taking advantage of statutory holidays and vacations. Remember that a well-planned break from work is a great way to recharge your batteries and relax, so it's worth starting to plan now how to use these special days!

See also:

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