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How to protect a wooden garden lounger after the season? Check it out now

Jak zabezpieczyć drewniany leżak ogrodowy po sezonie? Sprawdź już teraz

In the summer, we often use deckchairs , we use them in the garden, on the terrace, on the beach, swimming pools, cafes, and various places. We need them for rest and relaxation mainly in the summer. So what to do with them when a rainy autumn comes and then a harsh winter comes?

Secure the wooden frame.

The wood is very strong and is often used to make garden furniture and wooden deckchairs . Taking care of wood is very important if we want to enjoy its good appearance for a long time without damage. So before autumn and winter, when we no longer need the deckchairs , let's take care of them. Before storing them, it is worth checking if they are not damaged, tighten all screws, replace broken ones, check if they do not squeak, then oil them. Then clean with a cloth with warm water and a mild detergent. After drying, impregnate. The frames prepared in this way should be hidden in a roofed room. The place should have adequate air humidity, for example a garage, leżak drewniany shed, garden house.

Covers protecting the deckchair

If you don't have the space mentioned earlier, it's worth purchasing covers. But how to cover it? Garden furniture covers made of waterproof fabrics are best for this purpose. It is important to choose covers that match the size of the wooden deckchair . The cover will then stay in place and provide greater protection. Well-protected deckchairs will last many seasons intact. It is worth removing the sheet from the deckchair and storing it indoors, for example at home, in an office or in a room.

How to secure the deckchair cover?

The cloth on the deckchair is usually waterproof, but this does not mean that we can leave it outside all winter and autumn. Then it will get damaged, discolored and lose its colors. It is best to remove the cloth from the deckchair and then clean it if it has any stains or dirt. It can be folded nicely and stored in a dark, non-humid place, e.g. a drawer, garage, basement. If the sheet is damaged, torn or the stains cannot be cleaned, we can buy a new one with a new pattern and color and wear it for the next season. The cost of the sheet itself is much lower than the cost of the entire deckchair.

Take care of your things, don't throw them away and don't leave them to be destroyed, take care of them and they will serve you for years.

2 minute read

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