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How to make a star out of paper bags?

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We are slowly saying goodbye to autumn days, so our thoughts inevitably turn to the coldest time of the year. Despite the unfavorable weather, you can undoubtedly find many heart-warming moments there. For many people, Christmas is almost a symbol of winter. This is a special time of the year and it is worth preparing thoroughly for its celebration. In addition to buying gifts and preparing Christmas dishes, you should also take care of the magical setting of the entire celebration. Making Christmas decorations yourself is one of the ways to create a unique atmosphere. Stars made from lunch bags are perfect as this type of decoration. In today's entry, we will show you how to make these extremely creative decorations.

A star made of lunch bags, a unique Christmas decoration

paper bag star When we think about Christmas, we imagine a table full of Christmas Eve dishes and a colorfully decorated Christmas tree. The white fluff outside the window is the icing on the cake of the Christmas atmosphere. This is a time worth special celebration, so it is worth making every effort to prepare. The decorations are dominated by traditional baubles and chains. They have been an inseparable element of Christmas decor for many years. Maybe it's worth breaking away from the pattern and doing something yourself this year?

Our proposition for this holiday season is stars made of lunch bags . They will fit perfectly not only on the Christmas tree. What distinguishes them from other decorations is their uniqueness. Moreover, handmade ones will please your eye even more, guaranteeing a certain kind of satisfaction. All you need is a bit of effort and a pinch of creativity

How to make a star out of breakfast bags?

paper bag star What do we need to make our own paper star? We should equip ourselves with scissors, good glue and paper bags . These are items that can be easily obtained in any stationery store. Then we must proceed as follows:

  1. We prepare 7 breakfast bags. The size of the resulting star will depend on their size.
  2. We glue them all together flat, applying glue in their middle and at the base. We check whether the fastening is solid by unfolding the bags after gluing.
  3. Trim the outer edge of the bags to obtain a pointed shape. We make small triangular indentations on the sides.
  4. We unfold the star, assessing the effect obtained. If you are not satisfied, you can fold it and cut out an additional pattern.
  5. After obtaining a satisfactory result, we glue the star. Ready!

For a better decorative effect, we recommend preparing several such stars . Decorating your apartment with them will guarantee a fabulous atmosphere. Their undoubted advantage is the ability to adjust the pattern according to our wishes. Both can be used to prepare these decorations white and brown bags. Everything is in your hands. Make sure you have a happy holiday!

Release good energy with paper bag stars

Apart from the unique setting, the holidays are also a time of joy and family atmosphere. Please remember that it is not expensive gifts that are most important, but our friendly gestures towards others. Preparing DIY decorations is a great option for everyone, as it does not require a lot of resources to create them. What's more, by doing them with your loved ones or friends, you will undoubtedly get into the Christmas spirit. Moreover, it is worth emphasizing that we can use previously used bags to prepare them. In this way, we will pay tribute to our planet by giving paper packaging a second life. People who care about the environment will certainly take this into account. So all we can do is wish everyone a lot of fun while working on their own decorations.

Happy Christmas!

3 minute read

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