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When is the first day of spring? See!

Kiedy jest pierwszy dzień wiosny? Zobacz!

Everyone is waiting for spring, especially after the long winter months. Nature is coming to life, and the days are getting longer and warmer. In Poland, calendar spring begins on March 21, and in recent years, astronomical spring falls on March 20. In this article, we will tell you about various curiosities and customs that fall on this day. When is the first day of spring? Look!

When is the first day of meteorological spring?

When is the first day of meteorological spring? This is a term used by meteorologists to describe the period from March 1 to May 31. During this time, changes in temperature and atmospheric conditions are observed. Meteorological spring is intended to facilitate the analysis of statistical data and weather forecasting. Meteorological spring differs from calendar spring in that the latter is more associated with traditions and culture.

When is the first day of spring? See!

Temperature as an indicator of spring

Thermal spring, which usually precedes meteorological spring, is defined by an average daily air temperature that remains between 5°C and 15°C for at least five consecutive days. It is at this time that certain plants begin to grow, such as crocuses and snowdrops, which are the first signs of the coming spring.

What is phenology? How does it relate to the arrival of spring?

Phenology is the science that deals with the life cycles of plants and animals and their relationship to atmospheric conditions. In the context of spring, phenology plays a key role in determining when the first flowers, leaves appear, and bird migrations. In Europe, the German naturalist Egon Ihne proposed a classification of seven phenological seasons, of which spring is one of the most important.

When does astronomical spring begin?

Astronomical spring begins at the moment of the spring equinox, when the Sun passes through the point of Aries. In Poland, this moment usually falls on March 21, but as a result of the Earth's precession, in recent years astronomical spring begins a day earlier, on March 20. In 2025, astronomical spring will begin at 04:07, which is the result of the difference between the length of the tropical year and the Gregorian calendar.

What is the spring equinox?

The spring equinox is the moment when day and night are equal. In Poland, it is a symbolic time when nature begins to come to life. In other parts of the world, such as the southern hemisphere, the spring equinox falls in September.

When is the first day of spring? See!

When is the first day of spring? Calendar

The spring calendar is often confused with the meteorological or astronomical spring. When is the first day of calendar spring? In Poland, it begins on March 21, which is associated with cultural traditions. On this day, various rituals related to the arrival of spring take place, such as the drowning of Marzanna.

Drowning of Marzanna

Drowning Marzanna is a traditional ritual that aims to say goodbye to winter and welcome spring. It was believed that getting rid of the effigy, which symbolizes winter, brings harvest and abundance in the coming months. Today, this ritual has a more symbolic character and is often organized in schools and local communities.

Truant Day

March 21 is also a day that is associated with Truant Day in Poland. Many students take advantage of this opportunity to spend time outdoors, organizing trips and picnics. This is a time when young people celebrate the arrival of spring, and teachers often organize various activities related to nature.

When is the first day of spring? See!

Spring traditions and rituals

Spring is a time when many cultures celebrate various traditions and rituals related to nature. In Poland, in addition to drowning Marzanna, there are many other customs that welcome spring.

Spring Festival

One of these holidays is the Spring Festival, which is celebrated in various regions of Poland. On this day, festivals, parades, and various artistic activities are organized. The perfect time to spend time with your loved ones.

Spring festivals

Spring festivals are events that attract residents of cities and villages. The program of such events often includes artistic performances, stands with local products, as well as various attractions for children. This is a time when local communities come together to celebrate the arrival of spring.

When is the first day of spring? See!

Spring Sales

Spring is often used by stores as an ideal time for the so-called "airing out" of warehouses. Then you can find interesting offers for interior and garden equipment . After all, you have to prepare for spring in the garden, and such sales campaigns certainly help to organize a summer studio cheaper.

Spring in nature

Spring is the time when nature comes to life. Many plants begin to bloom and animals emerge from their winter sleep. It is a time of intensive growth and reproduction.

Spring flowers

Spring flowers such as crocuses, snowdrops, and tulips are the first harbingers of the coming season. Their colorful petals attract the eye, as well as pollinating insects, which play a key role in the ecosystem.

Birds and their migrations

Spring is also a time of migration of birds that return from warm countries. Many species of birds, such as storks and swallows, fly to Poland, which is a joyful event for nature lovers. Their return is a sign that spring has settled in our country for good.

When is the first day of spring? See!

Spring activities

Spring is a great time for outdoor physical activity. Many people take advantage of this opportunity to spend time in nature, practicing various sports and recreation.

Walking and trips

Spring walks are a perfect way to relax and unwind. Many people decide to go on trips to forests, parks or lakes. This is a time when nature delights with its beauty, and we can enjoy fresh air and sun.

When is the first day of spring ? Gardening

Spring is also the gardening season. Many people start planting plants, flowers and vegetables. This is the time when gardens start to come alive and gardening brings a lot of satisfaction. Growing your own plants is not only a hobby, but also a way to eat healthily.

Spring and health

Spring has a positive impact on our health and well-being. Longer days, more sun and fresh air help improve mood and overall condition.

With the arrival of spring, many people decide to change their diet. Spring vegetables and fruits are rich in vitamins and nutrients that support our bodies. This is a great time to introduce healthy eating habits.

When is the first day of spring? See!

When is the first day of spring? Spring is an extraordinary time that brings a lot of joy and positive changes. From traditions and rituals to the awakening of nature - each of us can enjoy this special time. Let's celebrate the arrival of spring by taking advantage of its charms and actively spending time outdoors. Whether we go for a walk, to the garden or to spring festivals, spring will certainly provide us with many unforgettable moments.

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