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Where to buy paper plates? We give you a hint

Gdzie kupić talerzyki papierowe? Podpowiadamy

Do you know that…

Paper plates were created because there was no tableware to serve cake at a birthday party. Regardless of the type of business, paper plates can find many uses, from everyday lunches to serving snacks at company picnics. Paper plates are associated with simplicity and pleasant events in the company. friends and the lack of a mountain of dirty dishes after a party. But have you ever wondered where they came from? You will find the answer to this and many other questions in this post.

The story of certain revolutionary births

talerzyki papierowe We owe the invention of paper plates to a man from New Hampshire, Martin Keyes. It was he who came up with the idea of ​​paper plates during his daughter's birthday. Then in 1903 he started a company called the Keyes Fiber Company and came up with the idea of ​​making cake plates from molded pulp. The first paper plates appeared in 1904, but their production was well beyond Keyes' budget. Over time, however, he discovered a way to produce paper plates cheaper. Over time, he began to introduce other disposable products to the market, and his brand is now known around the world.

Now that you've learned about the history of paper plates, you may be wondering what size to choose.

Nowadays, you can find many types of paper plates , differing in virtually everything, from size to durability to biodegradability. Paper plates can be oblong, round or square, they are perfect for buffets for small snacks and sweets. Some paper plates also come with separate compartments to conveniently separate food and make it easier to determine portions, making them ideal for hospitals and medical facilities.

Where to buy paper plates?

Now that paper plates are common, we can find them in almost every store, and the Internet makes the search much easier. Various colors and patterns will allow you to create unique decorations. Online stores will allow you to easily find what you are looking for, and they also provide a wider selection and a clear view so that you don't miss anything.

When looking for paper plates in stationary stores, think about what you plan to use them for and choose from among many types those that will allow you and your guests to eat comfortably.

Why choose paper plates?

talerzyki papierowe There are many advantages of this product, here are the most important ones:

  • 1. Paper plates save time and energy that we waste when washing dishes. Compared to reusable plates , they are very convenient, you can simply throw the paper plate into the appropriate bin after finishing your meal.
  • 2. You don't have to worry about someone getting hurt by sharp pieces due to the plate breaking, this is impossible with paper plates!
  • 3 . Paper plates provide hygiene benefits. When only one person touches and eats from the plate, there is less chance of bacteria growing or disease spreading.
  • 4. Since paper plates are thin and compact, they can be easily carried. Additionally, you can do it without worrying about damage to which the plates are exposed during transport.

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