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How to relax on the beach safely? Practical tips!

Jak bezpiecznie odpoczywać na plaży? Praktyczne wskazówki!

Summer holidays at the seaside are one of the favorite forms of relaxation for many Poles. Among them there are both lovers of long walks along the beach and enthusiasts of swimming in the cool waves of the Baltic Sea. However, regardless of whether you prefer passive relaxation on wooden deckchairs or active immersion in the water, remember that proper preparation and prudence are the key to a safe and pleasant rest. In this article, we will discover some valuable tips that will help you fully enjoy your seaside vacation.

Choosing a Guarded Swimming Area - Safety Guarantee

One of the most important rules for safe recreation by the water is to use only officially designated and guarded swimming areas. These beaches are regularly checked by WOPR lifeguards who ensure the safety of bathers. If dangerous conditions occur, such as strong reverse currents or high waves, lifeguards immediately raise a red flag, meaning no entry into the water.

Ignoring this warning can have dire consequences. Statistics show that more than half of drownings occur in unsupervised, "wild" bathing areas, where there is no professional supervision. Therefore, regardless of your swimming skills, always choose beaches where your safety is a priority.

Pay Attention to the Color of the Flag

The colors of flags displayed at swimming areas are an important signal informing about current conditions and possibilities of safe water use:

  • A white or green flag means that the swimming area is guarded and you can enter the water.
  • A red or black flag indicates a total bathing ban.
  • The yellow flag requires caution.
  • The purple flag warns against the presence of dangerous marine organisms such as jellyfish.
  • The blue flag is a quality mark and distinction for the cleanest swimming areas.

Remember to check the current flag color before entering the water. Respecting these signals is the key to safe play.

Marking of swimming areas

In addition to flags, swimming areas are also marked with colorful buoys marking individual water zones:

  • Red buoy - zone for people who cannot swim, depth up to 120 cm.
  • Yellow buoy - zone for those who know how to swim, depth up to 4 m.
  • White buoy - paddling pool for children, depth up to 40 cm.

Pay attention to the location of these signs so you can use the water according to your skills and play safely within the designated areas.

Don't Ignore Lifeguards' Warnings

Swimming lifeguards are your best allies in ensuring a safe vacation. Their task is not only to watch over bathers, but also to issue orders and warnings that should be immediately respected.

Sound signals, such as short whistles, are used to warn people breaking the regulations or to inform other rescuers about the need to undertake a rescue operation. However, three long whistles are a clear signal that such an action is underway.

Remember that rescuers work in your interest - their decisions and orders are aimed at protecting your life and health. Ignoring these tips puts you in serious danger.

Avoid Bathing in Unguarded Areas

Although swimming in "wild", unguarded waters may seem tempting, it carries many risks. The bottom may hide sharp objects, jellyfish or other dangerous aquatic flora, and the lack of rescuer supervision makes it impossible to react quickly in the event of trouble.

If you decide to swim outside the official swimming area, be especially careful. Enter the water slowly, checking the bottom carefully under your feet. Avoid jumping into the water, especially in places of unknown depth, to avoid serious spinal injuries. Also remember to wear appropriate safety shoes to protect you from cuts.

Watch out for reverse currents and strong waves

One of the most common reasons for displaying a red flag at swimming areas is dangerous reverse currents and high waves. These natural phenomena can pose a deadly threat, even to experienced swimmers.

Strong reverse currents are treacherous - they can pull you deeper into the sea, making it impossible to return to shore. In turn, high waves, although tempting to play, can easily knock you down, flood your mouth and nose, and ultimately lead to loss of consciousness. In such conditions, rescuers must risk their own lives to help drowning people.

Therefore, as soon as you notice a red flag flying at a swimming area, refrain from swimming immediately. Your safety is paramount.

Alcohol and Beach Safety

For many, holidays at the seaside are a time of entertainment and an opportunity to excessively consume alcohol. Unfortunately, the combination of these two factors can have tragic consequences. Statistics show that every year over 100 people drown while under the influence of alcohol.

Alcohol significantly reduces our ability to soberly assess situations, slows down reactions and impairs motor coordination. As a result, a person who enters the water after drinking alcohol puts not only his own life at risk, but also the life of rescuers who have to take risky actions to save him.

Therefore, no matter how tempted you are to cool off in the sea waves, absolutely refrain from swimming after drinking alcohol. Your safety and health are priceless.

Protection against overheating of the body

Lying on the beach for a long time on a hot, sunny day can lead to dangerous overheating of the body, known as heat stroke. Symptoms of this condition include: skin redness, weakness, nausea and even loss of consciousness.

To avoid this threat, remember a few simple rules:

  • Wear a hat, such as a hat or cap, to protect yourself from direct sunlight.
  • Drink plenty of water and hydrate your body regularly.
  • Look for shade, e.g. under an umbrella or near trees.
  • Limit physical activity to the cooler parts of the day.
  • Eat light meals rich in fruit and vegetables.

By ensuring proper sun protection and adequate hydration, you will certainly avoid the unpleasant consequences of overheating.

Remember to Rest After Meal

Holidays are a time of relaxation, but also of hearty meals, which can be a challenge for our digestive system. Therefore, before entering the water, it is worth taking an appropriate break after eating.

The rule is simple - the heavier and fattier your meal, the longer the break you should take. After light snacks, about an hour is enough, but after a large dinner of heavy foods, it is better to wait 2-3 hours. This will allow your body to digest the meal calmly before you engage in physical activity.

Ignoring this rule may lead to unpleasant stomach problems and even fainting in the water. Therefore, plan your holiday schedule carefully, taking care of appropriate breaks between baths and meals.

Safe Fun for the Whole Family

Holidays by the sea are a perfect opportunity to spend time with your loved ones. However, to ensure the safety of yourself and your loved ones, you should remember a few important issues:

  • Never allow children to swim or play on the shore alone. Always be nearby and keep an eye on them.
  • Make sure your kids can swim or are at least comfortable in the water. Otherwise, provide them with life jackets.
  • Avoid risky behavior in the water, such as drowning or pushing yourself off mattresses. They can lead to serious accidents.
  • Before going to the beach, give your children wristbands with a contact number. This will help you quickly locate your caregivers if they get lost.

By remembering these simple rules, you will certainly spend a safe and unforgettable holiday at the seaside with your loved ones.

Comfort on the beach

In addition to the bath itself, an important element of beach relaxation is also finding a comfortable place to relax. For this purpose, it is worth considering using wooden deckchairs , which provide comfort and protection against direct contact with hot sand.

Wooden deckchairs are a practical and aesthetic solution that allows you to fully enjoy a sunny day. Their solid construction guarantees stability, and natural wood creates a pleasant lying surface. In addition, many models have an adjustable backrest, allowing you to adjust the position to your individual preferences.

Using wooden deckchairs, you can fully relax on the beach, enjoying the sun, sea air and the view of the waves. This is a perfect way to relax in a safe and comfortable way during your holiday by the sea.

6 minute read

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