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Start of the 2024/2025 academic year: what you need to know

Rozpoczęcie roku akademickiego 2024/2025 - Co musisz wiedzieć?

The start of the new academic year 2024/2025 on October 1 is an important event for every student. Universities usually organize a ceremonial inauguration, which formally opens the upcoming academic year . This ceremony full of solemnity and tradition is an opportunity to celebrate knowledge, learning and development.

Welcoming the new academic year : Inauguration ceremony

The inauguration of the academic year is an event attended by university authorities, lecturers, students, alumni and invited guests. It begins with a speech by the rector or vice-rector, followed by an inaugural lecture. Although the details may vary depending on the university, the inauguration usually lasts from two to several hours.

Is attendance at the inauguration mandatory?

Many universities emphasize that participation in the inauguration of the academic year is mandatory, especially for students starting their studies. However, this is not always the case - this issue depends on the regulations of a given university. Therefore, before the beginning of the academic year, it is best to familiarize yourself with the information on the official website of the university and check whether presence at the inauguration is required.

Start of the 2024/2025 academic year: what you need to know

Even if the inauguration is not mandatory, it is worth attending. It is a great opportunity to get to know the university, meet the academic staff and establish first contacts with the student community. Student IDs are often handed out during the inauguration, so being there on this day can be very useful.

Attire for the inauguration of the academic year

Commencement is a formal and ceremonial occasion, so it’s important to dress appropriately. While dress codes may vary by institution, a smart, formal appearance is generally recommended.

It is worth avoiding loose, sporty styles, such as tracksuits or comfortable shoes. Instead, it is worth opting for suits, jackets, dresses or skirts and blouses. Some universities require formal attire, so before the inauguration it is worth checking whether such information is available on the website of the given university.

Start of the 2024/2025 academic year: what you need to know

Additional events accompanying the inauguration

In addition to the ceremonial inauguration itself, universities often organize other events on the day of the beginning of the academic year . These may include:

  • training and workshops for students starting their studies, e.g. on using the library, e-learning system or organizing work during studies,
  • integration meetings, e.g. picnics or bonfires, enabling meeting new friends,
  • student organization fairs or exchanges, where you can learn more about the scientific groups operating at the university, student government or other initiatives.

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the inauguration program and planning your participation in additional activities to make the most of this special day.

Universities are preparing for the new year

The inauguration of the academic year is an important event not only for students, but also for the entire academic community. Universities make every effort to ensure that the new academic year begins efficiently and effectively.

During the summer break, the university authorities and administrative and teaching staff work intensively on preparing the infrastructure, organizing the schedule of classes, updating the curriculum and many other aspects. The goal is to create the best possible conditions for learning and development for all students.

Start of the 2024/2025 academic year: what you need to know

Inauguration as the official opening of the academic year

The inauguration of the academic year is not only a ceremonial event, but also the official opening of the new academic year. During this ceremony, rectors or vice-rectors deliver speeches in which they summarize the past year, present plans and priorities for the coming period, and encourage students to actively participate in the life of the university.

The inauguration is also an opportunity to honor the most outstanding students who receive awards and distinctions for their scientific, sports or artistic achievements. It is a moment when the entire academic community unites to celebrate the values ​​and traditions of higher education.


For students, especially those just starting their studies, the inauguration of the academic year is of great importance. It is the first step into a new phase of life, full of challenges but also unique opportunities.

The ceremonial inauguration allows students to feel part of the academic community and understand the importance of higher education. It is a moment when they can meet the university authorities, teaching staff and their future colleagues.

Participating in the inauguration is also an opportunity to learn about the offer and traditions of a given university. Students can learn more about scientific groups, student organizations or cultural events that they will be able to co-create in the coming year.

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