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How do others celebrate Valentine's Day? - Valentine's Day traditions around the world

Jak inni obchodzą święto zakochanych? - walentynkowe tradycje na całym świecie.

Valentine's Day , celebrated on February 14, has enjoyed unflagging popularity for years. However, Valentine's Day traditions vary around the world. If you want to know how others celebrate the holiday of love , you've come to the right place. Read this article and learn more about Valentine's Day traditions and stories around the world.

What is the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day in Europe?

How do others celebrate Valentine's Day? - Valentine's Day traditions around the world.

Europe, as the oldest continent known to us, has a long-standing tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day .

France - how do they celebrate Valentine's Day there?

One of the symbols of Valentine's Day is certainly Paris, where lovers taste wine together during a romantic dinner by the Eiffel Tower in the delicate glow of candles . It was from the French that the custom of celebrating the holiday of lovers came , especially visible in Saint-Valentin , the village of lovers. The residents decorate the space there with thousands of hearts and organize special events , such as flower markets, symbolic weddings or workshops on writing love letters.

How Italians Celebrate Valentine's Day

The practice of writing love poems is also practiced in Verona. Written letters are left there under Juliet's balcony. This tradition has a symbolic meaning and is a way of expressing one's feelings and hopes for love, similar to what Romeo did in the famous Shakespearean story. Another place famous for its romantic scenes is Rome, where lovers celebrate Valentine's Day by locking a padlock on bridges , such as the Milvio Bridge (Ponte Milvio), as a sign of their eternal love. The key to the padlock is symbolically thrown into the river. In Terni, the birthplace of St. Valentine, symbolic blessings are given to couples in local churches.

How is Valentine's Day celebrated in Asia?

So what are the histories and traditions of celebrating Valentine's Day in Asia ? One of the main differences is the time of celebration.

What is the symbol of Valentine's Day in Japan?

In Japan, on February 14 , women give chocolates to men as the main symbol of Valentine's Day. The forms of sweets vary depending on the intimacy of the relationship. The Japanese distinguish:

  • Honmei - choco (本命チョコ): "Chocolate for a loved one" - given by women to someone they have romantic feelings for. This is the most personal and meaningful type of chocolate, often handmade;
  • Giri - choco (義理チョコ) : "Compulsory chocolate" - given to colleagues, bosses, friends or family members as a gesture of kindness or gratitude;
  • Tomo - choco (友チョコ): "Chocolate for friends" - given among friends as a symbol of friendship and bond;
  • Jibun - choco (自分チョコ): "Chocolate for yourself" - women buy it for their own pleasure.

A month later, on March 14, White Chocolate Day is celebrated in Japan , when the roles are reversed and it is men who give women small gifts.

What are Valentine's Day customs in South Korea?

In Korea, as in Japan, Valentine's Day lasts more than one day. In addition to Valentine's Day on February 14 and March 14, which is White Chocolate Day, April 14 is also known as Black Day . This is when singles have their own holiday . Traditionally, single people meet up and eat jjajangmyeon - noodles with black bean sauce , symbolizing loneliness.

Africa: Valentine's Day Traditions on a Continent of a Thousand Cultures

How do others celebrate Valentine's Day? - Valentine's Day traditions around the world.

Africa is certainly the most diverse continent, where the history of celebrating Valentine's Day is dependent on openness to Western culture. In larger centers such as Egypt, Kenya or Nigeria, Valentine's Day traditions also include popular romantic dates in restaurants and the giving of small gifts , often in the form of handicrafts. Compared to Western cultures, the symbolism behind a given gesture or gift is more important in Africa. Among the different ways of celebrating Valentine's Day is certainly the custom of pinning hearts to the arm of a loved one, which is widely practiced in South Africa.

Summary: What are Valentine's Day traditions and stories around the world?

Valentine's Day traditions vary depending on the culture. It's beautiful that by observing how others celebrate Valentine's Day , we can get inspired and develop our own ways to spend time with our loved ones on this special day. Love has more than one name. It is worth celebrating it not only on February 14 , but all year long, so that our loved ones feel like it's Valentine's Day every day.

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