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What is dust in June 2024? Calendar for allergy sufferers

alergia w czerwca

Ah, June - this enchanting month when nature explodes with greenery and flowers. Unfortunately, for many Poles it is also a time of intensified fight against unpleasant allergy symptoms. It is estimated that 40% of us struggle with this ailment, and this number increases every year. Although we cannot completely eliminate allergens from our environment, we can learn to deal with them effectively.

Pollen calendar 2024 - what is pollen in June?

June is the month when grass pollen reaches its peak in almost all of Poland. These tiny, yet extremely bothersome particles become a real nightmare for people with allergies. According to data from the Environmental Allergen Research Center, the first symptoms appear in about 25% of allergy sufferers with just 20 grass pollen grains per cubic meter of air. And grass pollen lasts until mid-July!

But that's not all - in June it also produces pollen:

  • Sorrel
  • Nettle
  • Mugwort
  • Pine

Each of these plants may cause unpleasant reactions in sensitive people. Mugwort, described as "the most allergenic weed in Poland", is particularly problematic. Its pollen can be up to three times more abundant in rural areas than in cities, where the concentration reaches over 200 grains per cubic meter!

How to recognize the symptoms of pollen allergy?

Pollen allergy manifests itself in various ways, but the most common are:

  • Sneezing, itching and stuffy nose
  • Tearing, redness and itching of the eyes
  • Cough, wheezing, shortness of breath
  • Feeling tired, headaches

These ailments can significantly impede everyday functioning and negatively affect the quality of life. That's why it's so important to learn to recognize them and fight them effectively.

Regional differences in pollen

It is worth remembering that pollen distribution in Poland is not uniform. This is due to climatic differences between individual regions of the country. The earliest pollen appears in the southwest, and the furthest in the northeast.

There are 4 main regions where plant pollen occurs at different times:

  1. Region I - southwestern Poland (without the Sudetes) - the earliest dusting
  2. Region II - from Greater Poland to Podkarpacie - second place in terms of earliness of pollen
  3. Region III - coast and eastern part of the country (excluding Podkarpacie) - delayed by approx. 10 days compared to the west
  4. Region IV - "Polish pole of cold", including Suwałki and mountainous areas - delayed by up to 2 weeks compared to warmer regions

These differences may be important for allergy sufferers who, depending on where they live, will encounter allergens at different times.

How to avoid contact with pollen in June?

Of course, it is impossible to completely avoid contact with pollen, but we can take several steps to minimize our exposure to it:

  • Avoid going outside on windy, dry days - this is when pollen floats highest
  • Try to stay indoors with closed windows, especially in the mornings and evenings when pollen concentrations are highest.
  • Use air conditioning in your home and car to filter the air
  • Use air purifiers that will effectively remove pollen from your surroundings
  • Wear sunglasses when you have to go out to protect your eyes
  • Avoid drying clothes outside - pollen may settle on them
  • Clean regularly by vacuuming carpets and upholstery where pollen can accumulate

Remember that even after returning from outside, it is worth washing your face, nose and hair thoroughly to wash away any allergens present on them.

Diet is an ally of allergy sufferers

A proper diet can also help fight pollen allergy. It's worth reaching for:

  • Foods containing natural antihistamines, e.g. garlic, onion, apples
  • Fermented products, rich in probiotics that support immunity
  • Fruits and vegetables rich in vitamins and minerals

You should also avoid foods that may cause cross-reactions with allergens, e.g. fruit for people allergic to birch.

Get tested and find out your allergens

The key to effectively fighting allergies is to know what exactly we are allergic to. Therefore, it is worth performing allergy tests that will help identify our individual risk factors.

Tests may take the form of skin pricks or blood tests. Thanks to them, we will find out which pollen, mites, animal hair or molds trigger our reactions. This is valuable knowledge that allows you to better plan your allergen avoidance and treatment strategy.

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