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Should parents buy photocopy paper at school?

Czy rodzice powinni kupować papier ksero w szkole?

Adrian Koźlik |

Copy paper is an integral part of our lives. We need it in many situations.

No office, institution or even private person can do without photocopier paper. Each document was created with his help.

Copier paper can have different properties, such as thickness and smoothness, which are important depending on the application. It is also important that the paper is made of high-quality materials that ensure durability and do not damage printers.

In addition to its uses in offices, copier paper is also widely used in education. As we know, teachers use paper all the time to be able to prepare various types of tests, exercise cards, and other teaching materials for students.

However, for a long time, parents have been wondering whether they should buy photocopying paper for their children for school. Or maybe it is the responsibility of the educational institution? In today's article we will dispel any doubts!

Let's go back to the history of copy paper

The history of copier paper dates back several thousand years. According to various sources, the invention of paper is attributed to the Chinese.

The oldest surviving examples of paper come from China and date to the 2nd century BC. This paper was made from plant fibers such as mulberry husks, hemp, flax or bamboo, which were ground, boiled and formed into sheets.

Over the centuries, paper production technology has continuously improved. In the 15th century, German inventor Johannes Gutenberg invented movable type and printing, which led to the development of printing. In the 19th century, the paper machine was invented, which enabled the mass production of paper, which led to lower costs and increased availability of paper.

As we well know, nowadays copier paper is widely used in various fields. At the same time, the development of digital technologies and the Internet has contributed to reducing the demand for paper, but it still remains an important raw material and product in our everyday life.

Why do you need photocopy paper at school?

In fact, paper at school is mainly needed by teachers who use it to conduct lessons, print various materials, tests, and photocopy textbooks and books. It cannot be denied that the entire teaching process depends on photocopying paper .

papier ksero No teacher can imagine his work without access to photocopier paper, because virtually every lesson is based on its use.

Of course, it's not just the teaching team that uses it. Photocopier paper is also useful in the school office, where important administrative documents such as applications for scholarships, diplomas and others can be printed.

Apart from photocopy paper, what else is useful for teachers at school?

When it comes to tools that a teacher can use, there are quite a lot of them. It all depends on the subject and the way of conducting classes, but the most popular ones include:

  • textbooks
  • magazines
  • scientific studies
  • dictionaries
  • encyclopedias
  • interactive boards
  • computer and internet access
  • A4 copy paper

As we can see, teachers can use many tools to make their lessons interesting, interesting and, above all, educational. It all depends on whether the school makes it all available for them to use.

What should children take with them to school?

Children should have basic school supplies and things needed for learning and participating in classes with them at school. Of course, it all depends on the student's age and the specific nature of each class. However, we can distinguish things papier ksero basics that children should have. These include:

  • Basic supplies : pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener and ruler
  • Notebooks : this is where students can take notes from classes. Both squared and lined notebooks will be useful.
  • Textbooks: they allow children to acquire knowledge in various subjects.
  • Calculator: Definitely more useful for teenagers in high school to be able to perform complex calculations.
  • Backpack: a basic thing to be able to comfortably carry all your books.
  • A change of shoes and clothes for physical education classes .

These are basic items that every student should have. It is a good idea for children to also carry tissues and a bottle of water.

Should parents buy photocopy paper at school?

This is a question that perennially poisons the thoughts of all parents who want the best for their children. On September 1, many parents receive instructions from schools to provide their children with a ream of A4 photocopying paper . Is this consistent with education law?

Definitely not! This is a common situation that the education board is struggling with. The purchase of photocopy paper is the responsibility of the school.

It is also worth noting that this is not the responsibility of teachers, who often have to ask for photocopy paper (if you want to learn more about this, click here ). This all results from the fact that schools are financially burdened, but let's not forget that our children have the right to receive photocopying paper at school.

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