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How to organize a camping trip for children in the garden? Check it!

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Summer is the time when most of us dream about holiday trips and exciting adventures. However, we are not always able to organize long trips. Does this mean that we have to come to terms with the end of summer and a return to our daily routine? Absolutely not! One way to extend the holiday atmosphere and provide children with unforgettable experiences is to organize a camp in your own garden . Sounds tempting? Read how to organize it!

When is the best time to organize a camp in the garden?

The first step is to choose the right date for this unusual adventure. It turns out that summer holidays are not always the best time. Many families plan trips and it is difficult to coordinate a date that would suit all participants. Therefore, it is worth considering other options:

  • June is a great time when the nights are still short and warm and the children are still at school. This is a perfect opportunity to organize a camp just before the end of the school year and thus extend the joyful atmosphere of the holidays.
  • August - although it might seem that August is the time when most families return home, it turns out that it is quite a good time for camping. Many people have already gone on holiday trips, so it is easier to find a date convenient for everyone. This is a perfect opportunity to say goodbye to summer in a joyful atmosphere and prepare for the return to school.
  • September - even in September you can organize a camp in the garden. Although the nights are a bit colder and darkness falls faster, it is still a time when you can enjoy beautiful, warm weather. Additionally, it is a great way to extend your holiday memories.

Regardless of the date you choose, remember that camping in the garden gives you the comfort of returning home quickly in the event of unfavorable weather or other unforeseen situations. This makes it an excellent choice for families with small children who are just learning about the joys of spending the night away from home.

What do you need to organize a camp in the garden?

Preparing a campsite in the garden does not require much. The most important things are:

  • Space - Of course, the basis is to have your own or access to a garden, yard or other green space where you can set up tents. It is worth making sure in advance that your neighbors have no objections to this initiative.
  • Tents - Tents are an essential element of camping. If you don't have them yourself, you can borrow them from family or friends. Remember to space them out so that no one sleeps alone.
  • Equipment - In addition to tents, blankets, small tables, flashlights and even inflatable mattresses or sleeping pads will also be useful. Each child should have their own sleeping bag, pillow, toiletries and favorite cuddly toy.
  • Food - Camping is a great opportunity to arrange a bonfire and roast sausages or potatoes. It is also worth taking snacks, sweets and drinks so that the children can have a real "night feast".
  • Safety - Let's not forget about mosquito and tick repellents. It is also worth stocking up on basic first aid supplies in case of minor injuries.

Camping in the garden - games and activities for children

Camping in the garden is not only about sleeping in a tent and eating cakes by the fire. It is also a great opportunity to organize lots of fun and games that will keep children entertained for hours. Below are some ideas for games and activities that will be perfect for a camping trip in the garden:

Board and card games: Take your favorite board and card games with you. Board games are a great way to spend time with the whole family, and card games are perfect for smaller groups or for evening games around the campfire.

Exercise games: Exercise games are best outdoors. Organize team games such as soccer, volleyball or frisbee. You can also invite your children to play hide and seek, tag or treasure hunt.

Creative Games: Stimulate your children's imagination with creative games. Make up stories together, build houses out of sticks and leaves, or paint your faces.

Educational games: Camping is also a good time to learn. Organize educational games that will help children learn new things. For example, you can prepare a nature quiz, play occupational charades or solve logic puzzles.

Night games: When it gets dark, it's time for night games. Organize a ghost hunt, tell scary stories or play a candle game.

Remember to adapt the games to the age and skills of the children. The most important thing is that everyone has fun and creates unforgettable garden camping memories.

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