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More plastic products on the banned list. Check if your company will suffer!

Kolejne produkty plastikowe na liście zakazanych. Sprawdź czy Twoja firma ucierpi!

Adrian Koźlik |

From May 24, a ban on placing specific single-use plastic products on the market will come into force . This ban applies, among others, to plastic cutlery, straws and cotton buds. Violation of this ban will be subject to a really high fine of up to half a million zlotys.

The end of the era of plastic cutlery!

sztućce plastikowe

In accordance with the new rules resulting from the amendment, from Wednesday, May 24, there is a ban on selling specific disposable products made of plastic .

The list of prohibited products includes :

  • cotton buds
  • plastic cutlery
  • plastic plates
  • disposable straws
  • sticks holding the balloons
  • plastic stirrers
  • plastic drink cups
  • plastic food containers made of expanded polystyrene

What are the penalties for breaking this ban?

Penalties for violating this ban are really high, as they can range from PLN 10,000 to PLN 500,000 . As you can see, the fine can be very high. All this to clearly communicate to all sellers that the end of plastic is slowly coming.

All the above-mentioned products may be sold, transferred free of charge and used if they were placed on the market before the entry into force of this Act, in order to exhaust their stocks.

Moreover, the act requires producers to inform their consumers in a clear and legible manner by placing special markings on the packaging of disposable products made of plastic, indicating the harmful impact on the natural environment.

More charges? Check what costs you still have to incur!

Pursuant to the new regulations, a fee of a maximum of PLN 1 is introduced for selected disposable products that will be offered to customers. For example, this fee applies to packaging used to serve drinks or food. The fee will be included in the product price and will be collected by stores or other points of sale.

It is also worth knowing that retail outlets will have to provide their consumers with an alternative to single-use plastic products. These may include, among others: paper cups , paper plates or wooden cutlery . It is important that replacements are made of biodegradable materials or are simply reusable.

The act also states that all producers of single-use plastic products will also have to bear the costs of conducting educational campaigns regarding the use of plastic items.

An alternative to plastic

After the act comes into force, each of us will have to think carefully about our future purchases. But don't worry, because there are really nice alternatives to harmful plastic on the market.

talerzyki papierowe

Paper cups are one of the alternatives to disposable plastic cups. They can be used as a more ecological solution because they are made of biodegradable material that decomposes more easily in natural conditions. Paper cups are reusable, which means they can be used over and over again and then recycled. In this way, you can reduce the negative impact on the environment that is associated with the production and disposal of disposable plastic cups.

Paper plates are widely recognized as an ecological replacement for plastic plates. They are made of paper, which is a biodegradable material. Using paper plates reduces the negative impact on the environment because large amounts of plastic waste are not generated and are difficult to dispose of. After use, paper plates can be easily composted or recycled, helping to reduce the burden on the environment. That's why paper plates are a popular choice when it comes to reducing plastic and promoting a more sustainable lifestyle. They are also extremely stylish and certainly work great, for example, at rustic parties. If you want to find out what they will look like at a wedding in this atmosphere, click here !

Wooden cutlery is definitely better than disposable plastic cutlery. The wood they are made of is a biodegradable material, which means that after use they can decompose in the natural environment. The production of wooden cutlery requires less energy and produces lower greenhouse gas emissions compared to the production of plastic cutlery. In addition, they are reusable, easy to clean and reuse, reducing the amount of waste thrown away. Finally, it is worth adding that they are simply an aesthetic finish to the tableware.

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Huj ci w d**ę za takie rady.

Donald Tłusk,

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