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How to make a paper bag for gifts? Step by step instructions

Jak zrobić torbę papierową na prezenty? Instrukcja krok po kroku

Giving gifts when you see a wide smile on the recipient's face is much more pleasant than receiving them. There are many opportunities throughout the year to give a special gift to a loved one, but what should you choose that will suit the tastes and bring joy to your family members or friends, and more importantly, what should you wrap it in, or what paper gift bags should you choose or maybe make yourself?

Choosing the right gift and packaging can be quite a challenge, so choose proven ideas that will surprise the recipient.

Make a positive first impression with your gift.

According to research, we involuntarily judge a book by its cover, so making a good impression depends on the external appearance of the gift, in this case a paper gift bag - a quick, easy and more effective way of wrapping gifts. torby papierowe świąteczne

So the question remains, where to buy paper gift bags?

The online and stationary market is full of various variants, from small paper bags through large ones to even plastic gift bags . If you buy a larger quantity, offers available in online stores with a large selection of bags will work. There are many types, colors and shapes of paper gift bags due to their popularity. They look neat, can have a variety of patterns, are fast, universal and ecological. So what if you want to put more of yourself into wrapping a gift?

Make your own paper gift bag. Step by step instructions

Use your manual skills and create perfect gift bags in less than 10 minutes!

You need: A meter, scissors, a hole punch, adhesive tape, a piece of ribbon (the length depends on the size of the bag), paper (or newspaper, gift paper)

  • Step 1 . Measure the gift and prepare the appropriate size of paper (it should be rectangular, the closer it is to a square, the narrower the bag will be)
  • Step 2 . Stick the tape to the short edge of the paper and flatten the glued roll so that the connection is in the middle.
  • Step 3 . Fold the shorter side to a proportional length and spread the layers.
  • Step 4 . Fold the edges towards the center then fold the remaining two edges to the edges of the first fold.
  • Step 5 . Glue the folded wings to the base with tape and bend the longer sides of the bag to a length equal to half the width of the base on both sides.
  • Step 6 . Use a hole punch to punch holes in the bag and place the ribbon in them.
  • Step 7. Decorate as you wish and you're done!

How to decorate gift bags? torby papierowe świąteczne

You already have a bag, now you are wondering how to decorate it? Here are some of our ideas that may inspire you.

Use paints and potato stamps, cut out fragments of newspapers or use the decoupage technique! Or maybe you prefer traditional methods in the form of crayons and markers? Don't forget about glitter, feathers and crystals, which are so fashionable this season. No matter what technique you choose, the most important thing is to put your whole heart into it! GOOD LUCK!

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