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Plastic or paper?

Plastik, czy papier?

Plastic or paper? What promotional bags should you buy so that your company does not lose popularity in 2020?


Even great sales results in previous years do not guarantee staying on the market. Plastic has long been treated as a salvation for the problems of modern man. Light, easy to produce, disposable, and therefore seemingly hygienic - it dominated store shelves for years without causing the slightest thought among consumers. The collapse in the kingdom of plastic occurred quite unexpectedly. No one predicted that nature would take care of itself and start providing clear arguments for stopping the excessive exploitation of its resources. What is happening today to the magical raw material that everyone has used for decades? It not only fades into oblivion, but even arouses growing disgust. Your brand could suffer the same unless you actively prevent it. What determines success in any industry is the ability to adapt to changing trends.


Investing in advertising bags is one of the effective ways to promote your brand.


Many companies use advertising gadgets to increase brand awareness among their customers. This custom is based on the mechanism of gratitude known in psychology. People who receive promotional gadgets perceive the company that offers them as friendly and positive. This type of behavior also gives the impression of complete professionalism, especially if we pack the contents in well-designed advertising bags with the company logo. By carefully selecting the items you want to use for promotion, you ensure that they will be successfully used in everyday life. A person who actually uses the mug, pen or flash drive you give them will have the necessary data at hand every time they feel the need to use your services. It is also worth mentioning that gadgets with a logo have a subliminal influence on the people who use them. In this way, you can make your brand the first association your customers associate with the industry in which you operate.


Paper and fabric - materials for advertising bags that inspire trust among your contractors.

Taking into account current trends, you need to carefully consider the material from which the promotional bags you purchase will be made . In this case, it is worth being inspired by ecology, which is becoming an increasingly important factor having a huge impact on the people you want to reach. For this reason, you should definitely give up plastic and foil packaging, which is not only harmful to the environment, but can also effectively alienate your customers from you. Make sure your brand is associated with reliability. Place your logo only on good quality recyclable paper. You can also use fabric advertising bags , which immediately evoke associations with caring for nature and are very popular among modern consumers.


Designing promotional bags doesn't have to be difficult.

You don't have to have great artistic skills to design a promotional bag that will appeal to your customers. To create a project, you will use a simple wizard available for each product. Just upload your logo to the website to instantly see a visualization of the final effect. In this simple way, you can create a variety of advertising bags for your company. Take a moment to adjust the size of the graphic and make sure it is exactly where you want it to be seen. Then place your order and quickly receive bags that will help you promote your company on the changing market.

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